The following are DOI links and pre-print archives of my patents, publications and conference presentations. For any questions, contact:
Andrew Dupuis || PhD Candidate, Griswold Lab
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, OH, United States of America
US20200342653A1: Systems, methods, and media for rendering voxel-based 3d content (PDF)
US20200150197A1: System and method for real-time magnetic resonance imaging data visualization in three or four dimensions (PDF)
Peer-Reviewed Papers
Real-time automated quality control for quantitative MRI
Quantifying 3D MR fingerprinting (3D-MRF) reproducibility across subjects, sessions, and scanners automatically using MNI atlases (Preprint PDF)
A System for Real-Time, Online Mixed-Reality Visualization of Cardiac
Magnetic Resonance Images (Preprint PDF)
Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting Datasets of Healthy Brains at 3.0T Before and After Software Upgrades
Intrasession, Intersession, and Interscanner Qualitative and Quantitative MRI Datasets of Healthy Brains at 3.0T
mrftools: A research framework for integrated design, simulation, acquisition, and reconstruction of MR Fingerprinting (MRF)
Python Code for Repeatability of 3D MR Fingerprinting During Scanner Software Upgrades
Python Code for Quantifying 3D MR Fingerprinting (3D-MRF) reproducibility across subjects, sessions, and scanners automatically using MNI atlases
Conference Abstracts
ᵀ oral presentation | ᴾ powerpitch | ᴰ digital poster | * secondary or other authorship
ISMRM Annual Conference 2024 (Singapore)
ᵀ Adaptive Real-time Control and Online Reconstruction of Free-Breathing Abdominal MRF (Abstract)
ᴰ mrftools: A research framework for integrated design, simulation, acquisition, and reconstruction of MRF (Abstract)
ᴰ Quantifying Repeatability of a 3D-MRF Protocol During Scanner Software Upgrades (Abstract)
ᴰ Creation of Voxelwise 2D Lookup Tables (LUTs) for MRF-based Synthesis of Qualitative Images (Abstract)
5th Annual UH Research & Innovation Day
ᴰ An Automated Protocol for Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (MRF) at Clinical Scale (Abstract)
ISMRM Annual Conference 2023 (Toronto)
ᵀ Fully Automated Online Reconstruction, Registration, and Analysis Pipeline for 3D Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (Abstract)
ᴰ Quantifying 3D-MRF Reproducibility Across Subjects, Sessions, and Scanners Automatically Using MNI Atlases (Abstract)
ISMRM Workshop on Data Sampling and Image Reconstruction 2023 (Sedona)
ᵀ Fully Automated Online Reconstruction, Registration, and Analysis Pipeline for 3D Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (Abstract)
ᵀ Quantifying 3D-MRF Reproducibility Across Subjects, Sessions, and Scanners Automatically Using MNI Atlases (Abstract)
ISMRM Annual Conference 2022 (London)
ᴾ Online Gadgetron Reconstruction of 3D Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting via a GPU-Accelerated Azure Kubernetes Cluster (Abstract)
ISMRM Annual Conference 2021 (Virtual)
* ᵀ Rapid 3D MR Fingerprinting reconstruction using a GPU-based framework (Abstract)
ISMRM Annual Conference 2020 (Virtual)
ᵀ Misappropriation of the Scanner Synchronization Trigger for Serial Communication with any UART Device (Abstract)
ᴰ Scanner Control and Realtime Visualization via Wireless Augmented Reality (Abstract, News Coverage)
ISMRM Annual Conference 2019 (Montreal)
ᴰ Interactive hand gestures for HoloLens rendering control of real-time MR images (Abstract, Poster)
ᴰ Performant summative 3D rendering of voxel-wise MRF segmentation data (Abstract, Poster)
ᴰ MRF Dictionary Calculation and Visualization using GPU Compute Shaders (Abstract, Poster)
ISMRM Annual Conference 2018 (Paris)
ᴰ Collaborative volumetric magnetic resonance image rendering on consumer-grade devices (Abstract)
* ᵀ Real-time acquisition, reconstruction, and mixed-reality display system for 2D and 3D cardiac MRI (Abstract)
* ᵀ The MRF Array: an iPRES Coil Array for Accelerated Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting(Abstract)